Stop. Pain. Cold.

Are you dealing with osteoarthritis in your knee or considering knee replacement surgery?

As part of our commitment to provide targeted pain relief options without the use of opioids, Bone & Joint Care Center now offers iovera° treatment for qualifying patients. The iovera° system is FDA-cleared to provide immediate and long-lasting relief of chronic and acute knee pain. The iovera° treatment can be performed prior to knee surgery to help reduce your pain after surgery or to treat chronic pain due to osteoarthritis of the knee.

With iovera°, our physicians can deliver precise, controlled doses of cold through a portable, handheld device. iovera° uses cold therapy, or cryoanalgesia, to temporarily freeze one or several nerves around the knee, which blocks the treated nerves from sending pain signals. This minimally invasive treatment is safe and causes no damage to surrounding tissues.

Contact our office to see if you are a candidate for iovera°.

Learn more about iovera°.


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